Monday, December 20, 2010

Paediatric Cardiology Salary

Now tell me how you feel about religion?

What Christmas would have been expected home here. But the expected so I never liked. Except perhaps when it no one would have expected more?

time is long for a positioning, as I think it is for now, with religion. Because I thought it was time very well indeed. But that was then. I used to be religious, I'm not.
I am a believer. I am a Christian. And there is no reason to fear for my salvation, for that is in the bag already.

I used to be religious. Then I am to become a believer too, and remained so for many years both. At last, I was able to abandon the religion that all too often to believe it is only in your way.

matter how different Christian denominations may be, they need one thing: rules. Infinitely many rules.
There are formal rules: regular Gottensdienste and prayer meetings and small groups, etc.
And then there are social rules: It must not, and if then only after this and that .. So you need the word "sex" not even to comfort, because it's starting to know that pastors are looking to talk to a live if you like making things like a "mixed WG.
seem interesting to formal and social rules of being inversely proportional: where the forms of worship are free, is seen socially more accurate, and where more liberal in the forms of life is, the service is more highly organized meticulous: strict liturgy and may only certain years of education then you say a few words in church or individual Actions do, like pass a cup of wine to someone else. By and large, they actually exchanged only in individual blocks of rhythm and you get a 100% surprise-free meditative church year, accompanied by a 300-year-old soundtrack.

You notice here that the latter was never mine. So I decided I long for the other way because of me not as restrictive occurred. It was not obvious enough. And there were also numerous opportunities for a piece in the "hierarchy" to work up to then spread itself a little rules.
there was certainly a lot of good here in what I said and did in crucial situations have. If motivation is a good and wants to put one's conviction and consistently, then you need to bereuhen behind anything. And I do not. I also think
it is not unusual for, in his 20s a conviction correct.

Actually we already told you what we need for all rules: a fact. The most radical. Which is: Be good to each other . (at times terms such as "love", "Next" and "enemies" leave out).
Be good to each other! Schlichter principle on which we all probably fail every day, several times.
But because we are forgiven, we can try it every day. We need
no compensatory rules that make us feel, but we can achieve something if we keep only. Or to compare ourselves better, who is holier than now, and who can take on tasks and who is not (yet). For surely we can and should go the steps that are possible on the way to the "good people". But all the way, we do not create until then, we get paid.

So we have to dictate anything to each other. We should very well say awkward things to each other when we think it the other would do well. But that may not be associated with sanctions, because ultimately counts do not follow the simple rules, but the conviction if it is behind it.
On the other hand, should be the worship not must-planned out, but a time that is good for us. And what good is a stuffed schedule of rehearsals, worship preparation and prayer meetings, if one then only has time for those who have the same crowded schedule?

I'm not religious. I am a believer.
And finally, from this text but also become even something you can at Christmas time that way.

Happy holidays!


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