Monday, February 21, 2011

Ulelement Crossword Puzzle

afternoon shortly after 16 hours prior to the kebab, snow

Christian appearance: a kebab please.

kebab man : With everything?

C: Yes.

D: With sharp?

C: Yes.

D: One Döner sharp with everything and with, makes 2 €.

D gets the bread from the back of the booth during the coin C has been suitable.

D is wiedernach front: This makes then 2 € for a kebab with everything and with focus.

C gives him the coin.

D cuts meat: kebab with everything?

C: Yes.

D: With sharp?

C: Yes ... still.

D: I just want to make sure that we get along really, really! So a kebab with everything and with sharp ...

D keeps the bread with the meat in his hand and looks ...

C: ... yes?

D while he filled the Doner: A kebab with everything! And sharp!

C: ...

D passes the Doner: Doner One with everything and with focus. You're welcome. I wish you a beautiful evening.

C: Bye.
goes from


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