Never try
to change another person,
because it reflects up self-contradictory.
Look inside,
change and yourself
There are two ways to interpret what you see in the mirror. One is that you see your own projection. The other is that you see an aspect that you have attracted.
Everything we perceive outside of the self is a reflection of something inside of us. Therefore, everything we see outside of ourselves, a projection.
We project our affairs, both good and bad, on other people and assume that they belonged to them - and we often deny that they put in ourselves.
The truth is:
You can only see yourself.
you can only hear yourself.
You can only speak with you sebst.
you can criticize yourself.
You can only praise yourself.
Every time you see the words "You" or "He" or "you" is utter are projecting, you have something of yourself to someone else.
Suppose a different feel how we feel, then that is a projection.
"That must make you mad but" or "That makes you determined a lot of fun" are both projections. You transfer your own feelings to another person.
Text Source: The Spiritual Life Guide
Diana Cooper