Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Alexis Texas Doesnt Do


Never try
to change another person,
because it reflects up self-contradictory.
Look inside,
change and yourself
There are two ways to interpret what you see in the mirror. One is that you see your own projection. The other is that you see an aspect that you have attracted.

Everything we perceive outside of the self is a reflection of something inside of us. Therefore, everything we see outside of ourselves, a projection.

We project our affairs, both good and bad, on other people and assume that they belonged to them - and we often deny that they put in ourselves.

The truth is:
You can only see yourself.
you can only hear yourself.
You can only speak with you sebst.
you can criticize yourself.
You can only praise yourself.

Every time you see the words "You" or "He" or "you" is utter are projecting, you have something of yourself to someone else.
Suppose a different feel how we feel, then that is a projection.
"That must make you mad but" or "That makes you determined a lot of fun" are both projections. You transfer your own feelings to another person.

Text Source: The Spiritual Life Guide
Diana Cooper

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ulelement Crossword Puzzle

afternoon shortly after 16 hours prior to the kebab, snow

Christian appearance: a kebab please.

kebab man : With everything?

C: Yes.

D: With sharp?

C: Yes.

D: One Döner sharp with everything and with, makes 2 €.

D gets the bread from the back of the booth during the coin C has been suitable.

D is wiedernach front: This makes then 2 € for a kebab with everything and with focus.

C gives him the coin.

D cuts meat: kebab with everything?

C: Yes.

D: With sharp?

C: Yes ... still.

D: I just want to make sure that we get along really, really! So a kebab with everything and with sharp ...

D keeps the bread with the meat in his hand and looks ...

C: ... yes?

D while he filled the Doner: A kebab with everything! And sharp!

C: ...

D passes the Doner: Doner One with everything and with focus. You're welcome. I wish you a beautiful evening.

C: Bye.
goes from

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Where To Buy The Biggest Patron Bottle

nothing but

Friday, February 18, 2011

Denise Milani In Tights

Odors (t) eküche

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Green Green Special Episode Uncensored

from spoiled meat consumption and so

Uff ... such a spontaneous helping in the cafeteria as an illness representation is a bit tiring when you should actually type in the thesis. But after all, says the account and also the fridge, has gotten the ne good portion of leftover sandwiches and 1 liter of banana milk. ^ ^

keyword banana milk: ye will probably know these cups and bottles of various companies with buttermilk, milk or juice mix things. But you also have noticed that there is less and less of it? To increase the price does not need to be addressed simply less pure ... as simple as that and therefore even less noticeable, not change the numbers. Instead of 500ml to write on it once then just 500g ... looks almost the same, only songwriter in fact just a few.

So far so bad. Now we have something in the cafeteria that is also available in refrigerators with magnetic price tags on the shelves. But since the prices are nothing the same, why would you want to change the signs? Only just stood still "500ml" on it. So, but now have it so a few students complained, for how can there be than 500ml advertised, even though only "477ml" in it are? With a measuring cup was demonstrated to us how much exactly are. And what we would think because this really is and how bold you here the students would want to rip off! (Btw: Register with angry protests on the first placement students, business ... it is not meaningful, the more often you do it to you whether the chicken schnitzel was too dry or too small banana: I can not do anything.)
So my boss had to make
new price tags, can now quote as 500g on it. Who just needs to be properly happy. But still must be paid the same price.
I myself, if I drink something and will sometimes just do not get paid, actually prefer to go 100m further into the nearest supermarket, where there is the whole bit cheaper. And I would also recommend to everyone their energy rather to invest in a walk, so senseless as to stir things around.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sr200p Unlock Regions


You are one with the bliss, and if you do this once recognized, have you all love the way it is. Then your love is eternal love, the self in itself feels for every manifestation of the self. This awareness is pure bliss.

Associating up only with the peace, the pure joy of existence and the truth.

No matter what appears before you, you are just adamant rest in yourself, in the only truth that responds to any circumstances, be they good or bad. So you act, to project without any possessive thoughts on the environment. Come what may, your greatest interest is the true self that you will always remember that all of He stated, and otherwise .

The self is not interested in owning something, because it is absolutely safe and sound, it is the complete Whole. So you care not for any reward or benefit. And so you're free, every action is only motivated by charity, and your life is like gliding in the soft breeze of detachment. This breeze comes from the self and takes up only after you've turned away from the irrelevant, not before.

Then you continue to live in the world that has gone so far, except that your life is now dominated by loving concern. Loves you hold fast to each other and not feelings of hatred. It's up to you how you perceive things, and whether your "self" arises from the ego or the boundless bright nothingness. The ego that comes from nowhere, contains the entire universe and is the total understanding.

Text Source: The Song of Being
Sri HWL Poonja


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ocean City Houses Senior

Buddha says:

If you give up your ego, if you dedicate yourself, you are in line with the law, and everything starts to happen by itself. You have to give up, however. If you are ready to disappear, you will be met by the law and the law will provide for you.
Have you ever noticed that you can easily let you drive if you trust the river? Once you lose confidence, you start to sink. Do you trust that, up the river on their hands. Do you get scared, you're going under.
Buddha says: A man who understands, can be prevented by not thinking about the way forward as it goes nowhere. Therefore, it is not about "the way". He's just here. If you're going somewhere, do you need a way. If you understand, you will enjoy it just to be here. This moment is enough. There is nothing that would go where. Why do we need a path, a path or device, there is no end, no goal, no place

source. Buddha said

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How To Get In Shape For Lacrosse Fast

One is not even 30!

Now it's already old again about a week, the year under the motto "One is not even 30!"
As a prelude to this memorable year in China also known as the Year of the Rabbit, they were presented directly then even a concert in Tübingen Brewhouse: Bakkushan !

What Japanese is a woman, that looks better from behind than from the front of German decent indie-rock and makes live frightfully fun! As an opening act

gabs "December Child" ... and who at the name alone does not think of "July", which does not later than after the first song. Except that the woman is missing and everything is less melodic but rocking. From the texts we then understood per song and usually only 1 line in the chorus ... and then somehow it sounded very familiar. Such as "You left me alone, alone ... oh no, no!" Well ... * Cough * was just as good enough to drink his beer here and cash in the deposit back.

The main band we already had a lot more fun, and then I quickly realized yet: It's just also not 20 anymore and also needs no "Wall of Death" or any other wild gepoge more. Simply leave only fair to the music, without are in danger of being jumped by someone on the pile ... that's it! And have the legs the next morning so hurt enough to jump off. ^ ^

The whole thing There Were this so a typical moment of Tübingen. To this end I have to go back a bit back that is until last fall:
nice quality on a sunny Sunday in October I receive that is moved with a friend to Wurmlinger chapel. And when we up there then sat on a bench in the sun, have 2 types set on the bench in front of us on the back. And we had a very expressive then extended towards its construction crack, so I had these two people remained in the memory.
And now I was with the same friend at the concert ... and who does not push himself then just the first song still fast in front of us? The very construction workers crack with the exact same company! Tübingen just ...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Average Wedding Cost Ar

The life force made all things new

To the extent to which you are trying to avoid the difficulties no longer in your life, but accept them with patience and resignation, light and life force to flow into you and make all things new. This does not happen suddenly, but gradually and inconspicuous. You become aware from time to time a warmth and harmony in your heart that shapes your life again.

If you can get your people the right idea, if you want the law of love in spite of envious circumstances in which you may find yourself not hurt, then you will see how the circumstances unravel, and everything is harmonious.
Gradually you start - in parallel with your own efforts - a power and a love to feel the active help and bring you happiness and inner peace.

This cozy warmth in the heart, which gives you so much inner joy can last a few minutes, several hours or several days, only to disappear again. But they gradually increasing, and over time you will experience this heat more often, because you go to a spiral of light forward and upward.
Source: The silence of the heart of White Eagle

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Police Costume In Gtaiv

love and healing

Love is the source of all creation. It is the consciousness that created the universe, the dimensions and worlds in which we live, gives rise to the first place. Love is exactly the vibration response to the matter. We have to create a great power. We have forgotten it, but now it is time to remember it.
It is the love that you can heal yourself and others. The love and only love alone will heal the world. To speak of healing, not to speak of love, the truth is not fair. In medicine, only certain things are possible. But through love, anything is possible.
Missing Love is the cause of all disease, because love binds the matter so that arises out of the chaos, and without love creates chaos.
healing takes place only where there is love.

Source: The Flower of Life Volume 2
Drunvalo Melchizedek