On the morning of the 13th Augustus was now advanced to a small group of fans made psychologically dubious art of stick to their heroes live and do in color.
The trip went very well and after a little over 1 1 / 2 hours we were nearing Dinkelsbühl, in a traffic jam!
But even that could do no harm to our mood and we spent almost 2 hours of "jam-time" in order to define new rights for women to discuss the spelling and us to heat our friends from the police who do not know well the good friends waiting for each other.
was also an occasional one photo that I most people but for legal reasons can not publish unfortunately ;-)
Here we see a wonderful example of how signs should look like numbers and images can give a false impression.
Because: No, the black metal has not assimilated the-core-vegan-delusion and shot the German spelling in the wind but here are supposed to Norwegian Black Metal
;-) Then it was finally time the first bodies of the Festival grounds came into view and before we knew it Were we even at the last minute before the campground entrance.
Our car was checked briefly on boot, short Look, here and there raised or to the side then pushed it the festival wristband (which looked way as his on cow spots shown, after much back and forth we finally agreed on it probably should be dead heads) picked up and off we went.
A free site for our tent was quickly found, and the same level, despite some strong winds in a short time.
Our neighbors made a good impression (which was later to confirm but not) and so we were, if a little stressed out, very relaxed and went to the merchandise stand where I bought one and Sibel Festival shirt.
Only Timo wanted his money for later shopping spree save
;-) After a brief visit to the party tent (in the already played the first bands) we spent the other day with very witty conversation, play cards and of course food.
paved here but at first problems, open the cans to be learned!
Here we see a prime example of how it should not make :-P
course, met us at this whole mess no guilt.
The stupid wars can opener!
Man God damned piece of metal can left-top of the See image.
If someone has a tutorial for this inhumane piece of junk he can let me get it to you.
We have at least found a way to do what you do with it really should open cans!
But this problem was solved.
The festival's "supermarket", there was fortunately (Easy-) opener.
The next day was, unfortunately, are less good than the first. We first saw
us Graveworm , the boys and girls from the Tyrol delivers solid work, even if the singer scream in the intro of Blood Work hinbekam not like on the record: set-P
then Let us make hay before the main stage and drove us the time to finally Arch Enemy appeared on the scene.
The band had real fire made and orderly atmosphere, and there was laughing one or the other the saw between songs Angela for a fun program ^ ^
Unfortunately, Sibel not so much from this gig to a crowd surfing (of which there Unfortunately, far too many were ...) dropped her with his boots on the head, which brought her regular headaches.
Such was our next stop after our favorite arch-enemies not Behemoth but the medical camp.
seemed Fortunately, all but nothing serious and to be back after an hour we went to the tent where we stopped to eat us something.
But the day should also have ready for me a surprise in the form of a large dose of pain.
As if from nowhere a sudden my neck started to hurt, I measured the first but no great significance because my neck muscles had been strained by throughout the day from.
But the pain became more intense, spread out on the back and chest and did not care what I did irgentwann always hurt irgentwas.
much sleep that night I was not even that would not all be so bad. The worst
Solte follow the next day:
The Friday started out as rainy morning, and remained one more or less.
Our neighbors sold their time to fill their empty bottles of alcohol and their body's supply.
It developed one of them a certain illusion of the destruction culminated in it he took me 2 dents in the car.
Well then that's probably the downside of such Ferihegy but what can you do?
But enough of the bad sides and back to the really important:
The first band we saw on Friday were As I Lay Dying , but it is my favorite metalcore band, I was rather disappointed yet. The
had the simple reason that I first few weeks have seen before at Wacken, well I think that in itself would not be so bad but they played exactly the same set and even the announcements were the same or at least very similar.
I thought it was very sad, clearly from a certain number of gigs a year around a certain routine and possibly even boredom but maybe also not understand it better. Otherwise the performance was
but certainly good, as I am too accustomed to the contrary by this band.
Next, we have seen Rotten Sound , unfortunately only in the party tent, therefore, was the mixing is rather poor because there gespeilt even classically without PA and everything comes from the amplifiers. Despite all were able to convince the guys hammering neat, nice stages to a Bang and allways straight on! " as Grindcore Solte flat.
for nothing but very good for all days zwischendruch:-P
then we have seen due to the thing with my car nor the end of Six Feet Under . Well so I have to say though that I think they live next to it not so as to drive but above all these totally inappropriate Screams Schuff a rather bad picture.
Well, here I am probably not entirely objective, I found this band has never been good and do not understand their success so right.
Last but not on this day at the same time played the best days Band: Kataklysm .
My apprehension they would only play songs from her latest work, turned out not to happiness and even the few they had played live yet, not so bad as expected.
Even my (somewhat primitive) favorite "Blood On The Swarn" they had in their program that I am particularly
:-) The band was also equal to me very sympathetic, British Share Ways had their equipment messy / not delivered on time and so had they borrow at Eluveitie something.
nice to see the perfectly even with the "big" things do not go ;-)
The next day was like a personal Hight-Light at the top of the list: Agrypnie.
Although the performance lasted just 30 minutes better than my young skin from the stool.
First they played "and do not lead me into temptation", Geknüppel gets under your skin.
Also "The burden of memory" of the party was also a song with goosebumps factor.
After the show we were still long before the stage and begged for the addition but unfortunately nothing came ...-.-
Now I had to look at me a little time at the end of Neaera .
But here was the only great power which the band produced a huge Circel-Pit. Well I already have
me for the Metalcore decided live only makes sense if one front Mosht with.
here above is rather modest.
, also with Heaven Shall Burn . Except "Voice of the Voiceless" and "Black Tears" (my favorite song HSB) I found the site rather tiring.
Then came only a band on but I'm particularly pleased also: Cradle Of Filth .
The island people gave quite a good job even if the Backround singer was not quite at the height seemed to me. Too bad they
the last band of the festival for me were the so I hardly had any energy to honor it properly.
Well done with the Cradle were we made ourselves right on the way home.
These 4 eventful days we had made it quite ready and we were all very glad to be back in our beds.
Until next summer, the festival season dawns, we will again be fully operational and I can now hardly wait to eat again every day ;-)
the ravioli despite everything that went wrong, I found this festival but very beautiful and had much fun with my two colleagues, see you soon!
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