Monday, September 20, 2010

Nerfgun Birthday Party

Shrink wrapped

So I just got a sweat modeled on the human body gel get smeared on the head!

No, not because of the good smell, but of course, for purely scientific purposes. For as I continue to believe in volunteers salaries above water, there were times today a reading study in which my brain waves were measured. And so modern technology today is, you need to be still holed ne bathing cap and flashing many electrodes. And of course, reduce this welding gel to the resistance. And strangely enough electrodes behind the ears and nose, of course, wrapped and beautiful. And then read countless sentences without batting an eyelash. Because only a single eye blink, or the electrical impulse behind it disturbs, even the whole encephalogram.

But I was told that the first EEG was always the hardest. And I was blessed because I am apparently particularly well suited to have to record my brain waves! And that would have two reasons: on the one hand, possessed my scalp a good base resistance! On the other hand ... yes, maybe it was already suspected: Because I'm sitting still for hours so silent! Yeah! I can not just lie still, but sit still! I fear if this keeps up, all I have no other choice but in the end to pursue a career as an administrative employee ...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How Much Is It To Remove A Tumor

Go Wild!

The next CoCa is coming! On 3 October by 18 clock's time is pretty wild. Freu me very much that my study buddy John comes to us in the street fighter. He is the youth pastor at our two neighboring communities in Halver / Bever. And after I have preached at the last CoCa itself, I'll try me this time of the session. But do not worry - it will still be really good ;-)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dry Cough In A 6 Month Old


Yes, now and then I chat quite some times. Va evening a short exchange of words with distant or nearby people .. why not!

But what some people think are actually there when they write a ...?

He: Hey! You present yourself so not anymore!

Me: Hello! Yes, already a while ago! How are you? What's new?

He: Nothing new. Work.

Me: So I recently ... (MA thesis, internship application, good music is. So I try to tell something of my life and to offer various topics of conversation)

He: Oh. I still see far, but am going to bed.

Me: Yes, then good night.

And that would now answer the question why I had not reported any longer and that will not do so in the future soon. my face.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Gallbladder Polyps With Fatty Liver Disease

Tübingen summer

Tübingen is from mid July to mid-September already very strange.

I went last week but the morning on the way to the library through the park and on the lawn in a big circle there are countless make senior probably something like gymnastics. And around it are a number of women with prams and watch it.
very bizarre kind of ... and I'm still not sure if this is not but should be a surreal art experiment.

The library will be built as well, so more than usual everywhere Dust walls, half the size of the course times indicated. And the other day when I wanted to pick up a pre-order book, I fell accidentally on the wrong side of the dust wall, which I had noticed after a few steps, because no shelves more came.

And then I have currently, no matter how strange stuff to read about borders in emerging areas and inconsistent transition states liminal figures. After a week had

thesis directly I would enjoy a holiday ... oh man

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Stores Can Get Moccasins For Guys

more worshipers are needed! U2 is

"The first and most important, what I call the county, is the prayer
It is our duty to stand up with prayers, supplication and thanksgiving for all people.
especially for those who govern and those who occupy a high position, that we may live undisturbed in peace and a life that honors God in every respect and credibility in all matters is.
is to pray in this way good and pleases God our Savior,
because he wants all men to be saved and that they know the truth. "

That's what I'm not up myself, but this text is in the Bible in 1 Timothy, Chapter 2, Verse 1-4. Somehow, God is full for some months later that I put up more and more the importance of prayer. He showed me just in the last few weeks always very clear and impressive. Through discussions with others, through books, through whatever.
prayer can do our own not replace it. This much is certain. But if I'm a little self-critical look back on my first year as pastor, then think I most of all: Everything was really good at this time, was always the one where God has intervened and, with its much larger opportunities which has made brilliant. Luther once said (meaning): I have a lot to do today, so I pray all the more. As already what is it clear how important prayer is.
And not because to pray "in itself" would be so important. Prayer is so important because this is our connection to that which nothing is impossible. To God. And makes us in the Bible again and again courage with all that moves us, happy, busy, and so difficult to come to him. Next week we will do as a community in Schalksmühle something pretty cool: Namely, pray for a whole week around the Clock. To this end we are in the process of setting up a prayer room in the parish hall and you can use throughout the week each in 60-minute films to be with God in conversation. Let us have pretty much come up, so this will be a space in which it is easy to begegen God. Let's see if I can in the coming days despatch on photos.
Who is near (or even extra pass will) may, incidentally, very happy to pray with and participate. Just here enter (and then come). And who has a concern, we must pray for that I can anmailen also like.